Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Successful Weight Loss Now - Environment and Support May Be Your Solution

Exercise is critical for your long term weight loss success. However it is not always pleasant and sometimes it can be difficult to create a regular exercise routine.

One of the easiest ways to get started and maintain an exercise program is to have a support network. When I walk at the beach each morning I notice that there are lots of people walking or swimming in groups.

The thing that is obvious to me is that these people typically women are having fun. The fact is they are walking quickly, it's hard work but they hardly even notice, because their mind is not on walking but on their conversation.

This simple trick to divert their attention works wonderfully. It's as simple as redirecting a crying child by giving them a toy. One of the problems that some people experience when exercising is focussing on the activity, noticing how hard they are breathing or how much their legs hurt.

This person has a specific set of stress hormones flowing through their bloodstream, the group of walkers have a different blood chemistry. Theirs reflects feelings of pleasure. Which do you think is better for health fitness and weight loss.

Another factor in environment. Even though I live in a green pleasant suburb I still prefer to drive 10 minutes so that I can walk near the ocean. To me this environment is very relaxing. I love the sea air and I always feel more energetic because again I am creating happy chemicals in my body. Your eyes take in certain images, your ears can hear pleasant sounds, the smells all add up to a pleasant experience.

OK I hear you say but I live in a city and it's full of grey buildings and its especially gloomy especially in winter, how can I possibly enjoy myself.

I'm not always at the beach, sometimes I'm in a city, or I cant spare the extra time to travel to and from the beach. I also walk alone. My wife is not an early riser and my friends don't live close enough or they start work early.

My solution is to create a mental diversion. Do this in two ways. Firstly I create e a pleasing image in my emotional mind. I tell myself that I will enjoy this walk. As a consequence I notice pleasing things. A tree, the sky some birds, I focus on seeing that which is of beauty and not on that which isn't.

Secondly I use an iPod to listen to pleasing music or interesting podcasts. So you can mentally create a pleasing place to exercise anywhere you go.

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